Welcome to the penultimate Season 2023 League of Legends patch… they’re buffing splitpushing for some cause and nerfing champions which have already been nerfed a loopy quantity of instances… Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Patch 13.23 Breakdown.
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I wish they'd stop flipflopping on if they want split-pushing. They seems to change their opinion every time they redo item pools.
Thanks for doing these and adding your thoughts. I must of missed the Maia buffs though lol
The Baus must love the turret changes.
Sometimes I just can't stand his rambling about everything in these videos. The video could've been at least two times shorter without it…
didint they remove zz rot and banner saying they didn't like split pushing saying itsunhealthy for the game .. Ironic
thank fuck stopwatch is being removed next season
Ok so not only are there moronic items like Titanic Hydra, Sunfire, Heartsteel and Jak'sho, that let tanks (that are not supposed to have almost any damage in their base kit) actually to a heck load of damage, but then they also give a tank champ damage scaling with tank stats?! This is just a idiotic design. There should never, in any PvP game be scaling of damage from tankiness
I hate the name change, now I wished I had different account for Valorant
wel already saw a twitter post on hide on bush already 7 pages already.
Yay… More splitpushing…
Why not all mages got their AS buffed?
Fyi skip the first five mins of chat about riot IDs
The thing about splitpushing you need to realize is that top lane impact and satisfaction has been a meme for awhile and anytime top lane duelists or juggernauts have any specialty people are typically up in arms about it. This leads to a catch 22 for riot where they basically have to give top laners something they're good at that isn't rage inducing for the rest of the map.
More split pushing is one of the worst things ive ever heard in league….
I like the idea of splitpushing, and do it often as my favorite champ is Illaoi, but it is too easy to do and far too lucrative.
Thanks for laying it out so clearly, Huzz
time to make my name "hide on huzzy" /s also lol briar cant get a break, hard to balance auto attack champions
More detailed TLDR of the Riven incident:
1) Low elo (Bronze?) Soraka player disguised as a Riven main got annoyed while learning Riven. He got smashed in 9 games so he started to complain that Rivens Fast Combo (animation canceling overall) is to hard and Riot should rework Riven. Well, that didnt go that well.
2) Riot Phroxlon (or how he is called) made a Twitter (x) post about the situation and stated that it is a good thing that Riven is hard to learn and hard mastery. There is a place in League for champions like this. But he also said that Riven is weak.
3) High elo players (mainly Riven OTPs) disagreed with him and said that Riven is not weak, because she snowballs extremely hard, but she has another way more severe problem – she is way to fist or famine. What do they mean by that? Riven is designed to scale only with Gold (AD) and she rarely has any good matchups anymore and there are plenty extremely bad matchups, so you already lose the game in champ select in like 20 cases which is a crazy amount.
4) So what changes the High Elo players want (not just Riven mains, but others also commented something similar)? Give Riven on her passive one of the following things: a % of the damage dealt as True Damage / max % HP damage / current HP damage / healing / mixed damage / armour shred. In exchange nerf appropriately the Ratios on her abilities. What will it do? She would be less gold reliant and therefore really bad matchups would be less painful since she would've some scaling outside of just Gold (AD) scaling. Also her snowball would milder since some of her scaling would locked in her passive with fixed numbers.
5) Riot decided to buff her AD scaling for now and that doesnt really change anything. All those "must dodge" matchups remain and she snowballs even harder in good matchups. But hey, they said they will look into it later, so maybe in 2 years?
Now from me:
Riven is an outdated champion. Sure, she is really fun to play, but her kit offers so much less than the new champs have. Riven alongside Tryndamare is the only Bruiser (Fighter / Juggernaut) in the game that does not have any True Damage / max % HP damage / current HP damage / healing / mixed damage / armour shred while other champions from that class have at least 1 of those, but very often have 2 – 4. Example champions:
Darius: healing (Q) + armour pen (E)
Camille: healing (W) + max % HP damage (W) + true damage (Q) + current health damage (R) + mixed damage (W + R)
Jax: max % damage (E) + mixed damage (W + E + R)
Olaf: true damage (E) + healing (P)
Nasus: armour pen (E) + healing (P)
Irelia: mixed damage (P + W + E + R) + healing (Q)
Even a champion like Jayce: mixed damage (W) + max % HP damage (E)
Its literally a design feature of the Bruiser class which is why Bruisers rarely had (before mythics) any items that would give those things and very often they would opt into 1 or 2 tanks items (Spirit Visage used to be a stable second / third pruchase for Camille).
Funny enough I watched today a Challenger Riven main struggling in lane to secure a lead against an Emerald Malphite. Yes, thats how bad her bad matchups are.
Honestly like i will say, ksante is a transformer champion at the end of the day. Make him into one. nerf his damage but keep him tanky but when he ults and transforms, convert all of his tanky stats into damage but like actually do it and not turn it from 35% or whatever the number is and delete like 90% or something like that
I’m hoping item nerfs will reduce the split push strength. Helping waves and towers survive longer, but as is, I feel split push provides way too much xp.
This is not to say incentivize grouping with increased shared xp, NO, Riot needs to learn to nerf and bring down the strong metas rather than repeatedly buffing others.
You know how we don’t even feel the durability update anymore?
The turret gold change might be one of the worst changes of the season
As an Azir Main even if i dont play him as constantly as i used to the on hit on soldiers back is an interesting change, I don't expect it to last though.
It was August at first, then Vel mains asked for changing his E since it’s so terrible. They buffed his flat damage and ratios which is exactly what vel mains DIDNT want. Then Phreak was calling out vel mains for just saying “Vel’Koz sucks” and for not giving advice on changes we wanted, even though we gave tons and tons of advice on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube through Azzapp and hundreds of other velkoz mains. He also called vel mains stupid for not knowing their champions cause we’ve been complaining about an E bug for literally years and he claimed it wasn’t a bug since he “tested it in practice tool at 1/8 speed and it was working as intended”. Now August is talking about fixing and changing his E to cast faster when it’s casted closer on NEXT PBE cycle and making it so his E doesn’t “fizzle” so I guess it was actually bugged and Phreak was wrong.
Sorry for the long comment but there was a lot more to the VelKoz situation than August looking at his win rate. My comment doesn’t even cover the full situation entirely but it’s the gist of it
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